
Savory Cucumber Avocado Parfait

A green smoothie garnished with fresh avocado and cucumber slices

服务大小: 1杯


  • 1杯 plain fat-free Greek yogurt
  • 3 TBSP labneh (spreadable strained yogurt), divided
  • 1/2个中鳄梨
  • 1/8茶匙海盐
  • 2汤匙柠檬汁
  • 12片小香菜叶
  • 1 1/2 cups cucumber, peeled and sliced into 1/8-inch slices, divided
  • 1/4 tsp chili-lime seasoning, divided


  1. Scoop yogurt and 1 tablespoon labneh into a high-speed blender. Add avocado, sea salt, lemon juice and cilantro. 
  2. Process until well-combined and creamy.
  3. Divide yogurt mixture evenly into 2 snack-sized (approximately 150 grams each) plastic food storage bags and seal. 拨出.
  4. Separate 1杯 sliced cucumber into 2 equal portions.
  5. Snip off a corner of one filled bag and squeeze enough contents to coat the bottom of a small glass jar, 大约1/2英寸.
  6. Layer 4 to 5 cucumber slices on top.
  7. Continue to layer with yogurt mixture and cucumber slices until the bag is empty. One portion of cucumbers is used.
  8. Garnish with 4 to 5 cucumber slices, 1 tablespoon labneh and ⅛ teaspoon chili-lime seasoning.
  9. Repeat to create the second parfait with the remaining ingredients in a second small glass jar.
  10. 即可食用.
烹饪注意: Instead of 2 small jars, use 2 clear 10-ounce plastic cups. Labneh is a Mediterranean spreadable yogurt cheese that is tangy and thick like sour cream. Optionally, substitute equal amounts of sour cream or skyr for labneh. If you do not have chili-lime seasoning, 等份的海盐混合, 辣椒粉, and lime or lemon juice for the seasoning.

每份营养: 177 卡路里, 13g 碳水化合物, 2g 纤维和13克 蛋白质.